Spring Bird Watching

December 18, 2023

As the cold grip of winter begins to loosen its hold, Spring is a time when nature bursts forth with vibrant colours, fragrant blooms, and the joyful chorus of birdsong.

Why should you birdwatch?

Spring is the perfect season to embrace the wonders of bird watching, as our friends return from their winter migrations and start their breeding.

Bird watching provides us with a sense of tranquility and connection.

Taking steps to help your local bird population gives a great sense of satisfaction.

Why is birdwatching in the spring so great?

Spring is a time of renewal, and nowhere is this more evident than in the world of birds.

The return of migratory species and the emergence of young fledglings fill the air with excitement.

From the melodic trills of blackbirds to the acrobatic flights of swifts, there is a captivating beauty in witnessing these marvels.

Where can you birdwatch?

Take a leisurely stroll through a local park, nature reserve, or even your own backyard, and let the sights and sounds of spring birdlife astound you.

Support our feathered friends:

We can play an active role in increasing bird’s chances of survival.

One way to support our feathered friends is through bird feeding:

  • Set up bird feeders with a variety of seeds, nuts, and suet to attract a diverse range of species.
  • By providing a reliable food source, especially during periods of high energy demand, we can help birds thrive during their nesting and breeding season.
  • During this particularly trying year of persistent avian flu outbreaks, we ask you clean your feeding stations and bird baths often.
  • If there is an avian flu outbreak in your area - please do not feed the birds - or take advice from the RSPB.

In addition to food, access to clean water is essential for birds.

  • Set up birdbaths or shallow dishes filled with fresh water, ensuring a regular supply for drinking and bathing.
  • Ponds and standing water areas are the single biggest way you can increase the biodiversity in your garden.

Planting native trees, shrubs, and flowers that provide food and shelter for birds, as well as attracting insects for them to feed on also greatly helps the environment.


  • Incorporate nesting boxes or birdhouses to offer safe havens for nesting birds.
  • By mimicking natural environments, we provide the ideal conditions for birds to raise their young and populations to thrive.
  • Birds rely on a delicate balance within their ecosystems, and their survival is closely intertwined with that of insects and plants.


  • As we celebrate spring and its avian wonders, let's acknowledge the importance of insects as a vital food source for birds.
  • By creating environments that support insect populations, we directly contribute to the well-being of our feathered friends.
  • It’s probably time to take down the bug zappers.

Spring bird watching is a delightful way to reconnect with nature and revel in the wonders of the season.

It allows us to witness the beauty, grace, and resilience of birds as they navigate to their breeding grounds and nurture the next generation.

By providing food, water, and suitable habitats, we can actively contribute to their breeding success and increase their chances of survival.

So, grab a pair of binoculars, venture outdoors, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of spring bird watching!

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