Flying Colours
The Swift is a medium-sized aerial bird, which is a superb flier.
It evens sleeps, eats and mates on the wing! It is plain sooty brown, but in flight against the sky it appears black.
It has long, scythe-like wings and a short, forked tail.
Breeding, Nesting, & Migration
It is a summer visitor, breeding across the UK, but most numerously in the south and east.
It winters in Africa.Swifts arrive at the beginning of May, having travelled thousands of miles in a matter of days.
Young birds may have been flying continuously for many months if not years before returning to the place of their birth.
They will spend a season or two as “prospecting birds” checking out potential future nesting spots until they reach sexual maturity at three years old.
Long-lived, mature birds mate for life and return to the same nest site year on year typically in the eaves of old buildings.
Adaptations & Features
A number of unusual adaptations allow them to live on the wing:
Modern building practices make it increasingly difficult for swifts to find nesting sites and their numbers have been declining as a result.
Length: 16-17cm
Wingspan: 45cm
Weight: 44g
Average lifespan: 9 years
Conservation status: Classified in the UK as Amber under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015).